Gun / Weapon Cases

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

State of Florida v. K.W.
Three witnesses claim our client pointed a handgun at two victims, case dropped to a misdemeanor with NO conviction

Our client, K.W., was arrested for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon in Duval County. This is a third degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison. Jacksonville police were dispatched in reference to an armed dispute. Upon arrival, police talked to the alleged victim, our client’s boyfriend’s mistress. The mistress told police she saw an unfamiliar car in her driveway. When she exited the home, our client allegedly got out of the car with a handgun. Our client allegedly was yelling and pointed the handgun at the alleged victim and our client’s boyfriend, who was at the home also. The boyfriend allegedly tried to take the gun from our client and the victim ran into the house to call the police. Our client’s boyfriend also told the police the same story. Police talked to a neighbor, who told police she saw a female get out of the vehicle with a gun and pointed it at the victim and our client’s boyfriend. Our client was found and interviewed. She denied having a gun. Our Jacksonville Gun Attorney presented information to the prosecutor on the case and the charge was dropped to a simple assault charge. This is a second degree misdemeanor, which is the lowest level state crime in Florida. Our client received a withhold of adjudication, meaning she was not convicted.

State of Florida v. D.G.
Death threats followed by racking several rounds of bullets through a handgun with allegations of theft, charge DROPPED.

Our client, D.G., was arrested in Jacksonville for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Tampering with a Victim and Robbery by Sudden Snatching. All of these charges are third degree felonies punishable by up to five years each. Police were dispatched to a domestic disturbance. The police claim that D.G.’s father, one of the alleged victims, told police our client made his way into their home and refused to leave. Our client’s father allegedly told police our client took their key to the apartment and both him and his wife’s phones, all while making threats to them. Our client allegedly said, “If you call the police again, I’m going to kill you and myself”. Our client allegedly followed up his threat by making gun firing noises with his voice while racking several rounds of ammunition through a black semi-automatic handgun. Police then spoke to our client’s mother, “victim 2”. She allegedly told police she was afraid of her son and that if the police went into the apartment, where D.G. was when police arrived, that he would kick the door down and more than likely shoot them with the gun he had in his possession. (after our client was arrested, both parents denied making the above statements to police) The police kicked in the door of the apartment and our client was not even inside. He walked up to the scene after the police made their way into the apartment and was subsequently arrested. Our Gun Attorney made contact with the prosecutor assigned to the case and put him in contact with the parents, the alleged victims. The parents adamantly denied making the quoted statements to the police that led to their son being arrested. All of the charges against our client were DISMISSED.

State of Florida v. R.R.
Arrested for waiving a gun in the air making several threats, case DISMISSED

Our client, R.R., was arrested for Improper Exhibition of a Firearm or Dangerous Weapon on Duval County. Police were dispatched to a local business in reference to a dispute involving a firearm. Upon arrival, police spoke to the alleged victim. Our client was a customer of the business and complained about a faulty product. The alleged victim claimed that after a verbal argument, our client followed him into the business, pulled out a firearm and started waiving it around in the air threatening him. There were two other witnesses that told police our client had a small black firearm and made several threats to the alleged victim. Our Jacksonville Gun Attorney presented additional information to the assistant state attorney assigned to the case and the charge was DROPPED.

State of Florida v. A.T.
Accused of pointing a gun at three men, firing a round in the air, concealing the gun and driving off drunk, all felony charges DISMISSED

Our client, A.T., was arrested in Jacksonville for Carrying a Concealed Firearm,Using a Firearm While Under the Influence of Alcohol, DUI, Possession of Less than 20 grams of Marijuana and Possession of Paraphernalia. Police were dispatched to an armed disturbance. Dispatch reported that a female, matching our client’s description, pulled a handgun on five males near her car, which was also identified. Police found and followed her car, which sped off away from them, swerving and hitting the curb. Our client was pulled over and the strong odor of marijuana came out of the car. She had blood shot watery eyes and smelled of alcohol. Police located a pink handgun in her car that matched the description given on dispatch. Our client did not have a concealed weapons permit. Police also found marijuana and a pipe. Police then spoke to the witnesses who told them A.T.pulled out pink handgun and pointed it at them. They also told police she fired one round in the air and then left in her car. When taken to the police station, she blew .137 and .135, well over the legal limit of .08. Our Jacksonville Gun Lawyer presented additional information to the prosecutor assigned to the case. Our client entered a plea to a misdemeanor DUI and received probation. She was not sentenced to ANY jail or prison time and ALL other charges were DISMISSED.

State of Florida v. E.H.
Gun in mouth with threat to kill, case DROPPED

Our client, E.H., was arrested for Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon in Duval County. This is a second degree felony punishable by up to 15 years in prison. Police were dispatched to a person calling for help advising her fiance was armed with a gun. The alleged victim, our client’s fiance, told police our client started calling her names earlier in the night and the argument turned physical. She claimed our client choked her while she was standing up against a wall and then grabbed his firearm. She told police our client pointed the gun in her face and then shoved it in her mouth and threatened to kill her. She the said she ran to the door and called 911. The alleged victim also wrote a sworn statement recounting the details. Our Jacksonville Aggravated Battery Attorney presented additional information to the prosecutor assigned to the case. Police found no weapon in the house and the alleged victim was highly intoxicated. The charge was DISMISSED.

State of Florida v. K.P.
Armed possession cocaine, charge DISMISSED

Our client, K.P. was arrested in Jacksonville for Armed Possession of Cocaine, a second degree felony. If convicted, our client was facing up to 15 years in prison. Police pulled over a vehicle in which our client was the passenger. As the officer approached the car, he claimed to see the driver hand K.P. an unknown object and place it in a pink bag. The officers said they smelled the odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle and removed both our client and the driver. Police found powder cocaine in the center console. When the police searched the pink bag they found in the passenger seat, where our client was sitting, they found a firearm inside. Our Jacksonville Gun Attorneys presented information to the prosecutor on this Duval County Drug Charge was DROPPED.

State of Florida v. J.B.
Accused of pointing a loaded gun at a man and threatening to “shoot you dead” with 2 other eyewitnesses, felony DROPPED and NO CONVICTION

Our client, J.B., was arrested for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, a third degree felony in Florida punishable by up to 5 years in prison. If convicted of this Jacksonville Gun Charge, J.B. would be facing a three year minimum mandatory sentence, meaning he would have to serve every day of three years in prison. Police responded to our client’s place of business in reference to a pulled gun. The alleged victim told police our client became angry and pulled a black handgun from a tan holster and pointed the firearm at him. The alleged victim told police J.B. told him he was going to shoot him dead. Police also spoke to the alleged victim’s co-workers, both witnesses, who observed our client pull the firearm, point it and threaten the alleged victim. The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office also spoke to our client and he told police he brandished the firearm, but denied ever pointing the gun at the alleged victim. Our Jacksonville Firearm Attorney presented mitigating evidence to the prosecutor on the case and the Duval County Aggravated Assault charge was DROPPED. D.B. was not convicted of ANY crime.

State of Florida v. K.V.
Accused of throwing large knife at husband, St. Johns County aggravated assault charge DROPPED

Our client, K.V., was arrested for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon in St. Johns County. Police say that upon arrival, they spoke with the alleged victim, K.V.’s husband. He advised that he and his wife, our client, were in an argument in the garage. He told police our client became furious with him, picked up a large knife and threw it at him. He said that the knife struck his left arm below the shoulder, but he was not injured. K.V.’s husband pointed out the knife which was lying on the driveway near one of their cars. The knife was collected for evidence. Police then made contact with our client. She told police she never threw a knife, but did throw some containers on the ground. Our St. Johns County Assault Attorney presented information to the prosecutor and the charge was DISMISSED.

State of Florida v. C.M.
Allegations of gun put in victim’s mouth, Jacksonville gun charges DISMISSED

Our client, C.M.., was arrested in Jacksonville on Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, a third degree felony in Florida. Jacksonville police were dispatched in reference to a burglary to a residence in progress. The alleged victim, our client’s sister, told police she had thrown our client out of her apartment prior to him returning when he was involved in a fight with his child’s mother. The alleged victim told police she was afraid that C.M. would kick her door down and she got her gun and put it in her pocket. She said our client pushed her up against a wall and took the gun out of her pocket. She said C.M. checked the gun to make sure it was loaded and proceeded to point the gun at her head and then put the firearm in her mouth. He then fled the scene. Our Jacksonville Gun Attorney investigated the case further and produced a witness to contradict the alleged victim. Our Duval County Firearm Attorney was able to get the Jacksonville gun charge DROPPED.

State of Florida v. K.E.
Two witnesses say our client pointed a gun and threatened to kill, charge DROPPED

Our client, K.E., was arrested for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, a third degree felony. Police responded to an armed dispute and made contact with the “victim”, our client’s daughter. She was very excited and nervous “as if she had a very traumatic event happen”. She told police that our client “snapped” after they had a verbal argument. The alleged victim said our client pulled out a gun and cocked it. She claims K.E. threatened to kill her in front of her mother and dispose of her body. She also told police her father was highly intoxicated. Police then spoke to our client’s wife. She told police she observed our client, her husband, display his firearm in a threatening manner towards the alleged victim. Police also spoke to his other daughter. She told police she saw our client point the pistol at her sister while threatening her life. Police interviewed our client and our client gave them his pistol. Our Jacksonville Gun Crime Attorney was able to get the charge DISMISSED.

State of Florida v. J.W.
Attorneys discredit state’s top witness, jury finds client found not guilty on gun charge

Jacksonville police investigated our client after two eyewitnesses told police he was threatening the alleged victim with a handgun and two machetes. In trial, the officer testified he saw the gun in the hand of our client, who ran into his house when police arrive. Inside, the cops found the gun, a revolver. He was charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon (2nd degree felony). Through the work of Ms. Mussallem, our client was found not guilty of the gun charge.

State of Florida v. F.D.
Man not convicted of pointing gun in road rage case

Our Jacksonville client was arrested after another driver said our client pointed a gun while passing the alleged victim on Heckscher Drive. The alleged victim, a Marine with comprehensive weapons training, called police who eventually stopped our client. Police stopped our client, driving with his girlfriend up front and two small children in the back. When officers looked in the car, they saw a 40-caliber Springfield automatic pistol resting between the center console and the driver’s seat. Once our client was arrested, he and his girlfriend gave police conflicting stories about the incident. The state then charged our client with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon (3rd degree felony), AND upped the ante by filing the case under Florida’s 10-20-life. That put our client up against a mandatory minimum sentence of 3 years – without any chance of time credited for good behavior. His total sentence could have been 5 five years in prison. Faced with no other options, our Jacksonville gun crimes attorneys pushed the case to trial – presenting our client’s story and discrediting both the alleged victim and the police officer. Because of the work of Ms. Mussallem, our client was not convicted of a felony and did no prison or jail time.

State of Florida v. W.J.
Man accused of shooting at ex-wife and her new husband, charges dropped

Jacksonville police arrested our client after he allegedly fired several shots at his ex-wife and her husband in an argument involving the couple’s children. The ex-wife and he husband drove to Jacksonville to get his children after a summer visit. She told police he was not being straight with her about where to pick up the kids and he allegedly kept changing the address. She says when she drove to our client’s house, he and his girlfriend were standing in front with the children and our client started cursing before going into his house. He allegedly came out with a small revolver, fired a few rounds into the air and then pointed it at his ex-wife and her husband, firing more shots in their direction. Our client was gone when officers got to his house responding to the shots, but he was arrested hours later. He was charged with aggravated domestic assault with a deadly weapon (2nd degree felony) and discharging a firearm in public (1st degree misdemeanor). Our Jacksonville gun crimes attorney scrutinized the entire case, including the alleged victims, and presented prosecutors with some of the major issues. The work of our Jacksonville criminal defense attorney led to all charges being dropped.

State of Florida v. Y.B.
Attorneys find new witnesses, gun charges against businessman dropped

Our client was arrested for allegedly pointing a gun at a woman in a dispute at his Jacksonville business.

Both the alleged victim and our client called police after the incident, which began with the alleged victim angry with our client because his business repossessed her automobile. She claimed our client told her to leave and pointed a gun at her when she refused. The alleged victim had a witness who gave police a similar story. Jacksonville police arrested him for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon (2nd degree felony). Our client told police the alleged victim came into his work kicking doors and yelling at him. He asked her to leave and, when she refused, he called the cops. When police arrived, our client gave his gun to police. Our Jacksonville criminal defense attorney found witnesses the police didn’t talk to and our investigation led to the charge being dropped.

State of Florida v. R.T.
Armed pot possession charge against alleged gang member dropped

Jacksonville police arrested our client, one of three people in a parked car officers approached. Police could not see inside because of the dark tint and, when the driver rolled down his window, the officer smelled marijuana. Our client was sitting in the backseat on the passenger side. After discovering the 16-year-old driver did not have a license, all three people were asked to get out of the car and one said there was a “sack” of pot inside. Police found a 25 gram bag of marijuana on the rear floorboard – in plain view – and then found a loaded handgun in the glove compartment. None of the occupants admitted the gun or drugs were theirs. Our client was charged with armed possession of marijuana (1st degree felony) and possession of more than 20 grams of marijuana (3rd degree felony). Police said our client was a known member of the “Bloods” street gang, but there was no evidence presented to support that claim. Our Jacksonville drug crime attorney worked to get all charges dropped.

Client Reviews

Daughter needed a lawyer for a recent domestic violence charge. I contacted the law firm and she got to work, my daughter did not have to show up to court and charges were dismissed. Life is good. Thank you Mussallem Law Firm.


I don’t know where to start!!! Everything about Tori was more than what I expected she kept my parents on board with everything made sure they were included in every single detail about my case. She also went to court for me without me having to be present , call me before an after all of my court...


Five stars are not enough for Tori! My partner and I reached out to 3 lawyers in the span of a week. One took 4 days to get back to us, the other we never heard from. Tori had called the day we filled out a form and had done her research before calling. She has been incredibly professional and...


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