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Domestic Battery

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

State of Florida v. E.R.
Police observed red marks, charge DROPPED

Our client, E.R., was arrested in Duval County for domestic battery. Police arrived on the scene and spoke to our client’s wife. She told the officers that she wanted to leave their home, but E.R. would not allow her to leave. She said that our client took her cell phone and refused to give it back. While she attempted to get her phone back, she claimed that E.R. pushed her and grabbed her several times. Eventually, the wife said that she made it outside and our client still would not give her the phone. She claimed all of this was witnessed by their two year-old son. His wife then said our client slapped her on the forearm. Officers observed red marks consistent with his wife’s statement. Our Duval County Battery Attorney presented additional information to the prosecutor assigned to the case and the case was DISMISSED.

State of Florida v. Z.K.
Redness and swelling on face and forearm, case DISMISSED

Our client, Z.K., was arrested for domestic battery in Jacksonville. The alleged victim, our client’s boyfriend, told police a verbal argument turned physical when our client slapped him int he left side of his face with an open right hand. He told police our client began breaking items and his roommate had to get involved to restrain Z.K. Our client also spoke to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office and she admitted that she slapped her boyfriend. She also admitted to pushing the roommate witness to get her belongings and leave the residence. The witness was also interviewed and told police our client not only pushed him, but bit him on the forearm. Our Jacksonville Battery Attorney presented mitigating information to the prosecutor as well as pictures of our client’s injuries. The charge was dropped.

State of Florida v. A.J.
Report of being hit in head by door, charge DROPPED

Our client, A.J., was arrested in Duval County for domestic battery. Police were dispatched to our client’s house where she lived with her boyfriend. Out client was interviewed first and she told police that the alleged victim slammed her hand in a door. She had swelling and cuts on her hand. The officer then interviewed the alleged victim. He told police that he locked himself in their bedroom and that our client kicked the door open and caused him to be hit in the head with the door. Police observed door damage, including multiple large pieces of door frame inside the room on the floor. Despite there being no injury to the alleged victim and our client having actual injuries, JSO decided to arrest our client for this violent charge. Our Duval County domestic battery lawyer fought the case and convinced the assistant state attorney assigned to the case to DISMISS the charge.

State of Florida v. A.E.
Two witnesses and adult alleged victim with long scratch mark on neck, case DISMISSED

Our client, A.E., was arrested on a charge of domestic battery in Jacksonville. Police were dispatched and talked to the alleged victim, our client’s girlfriend, first. She advised that she and our client were drinking at a gathering of herself, our client, and her two teenage daughters. She told police our client got drunk and agitated. She said she was scared for her safety and her and her children began to leave. She claimed A.E. took her phone and when she attempted to get it from him, our client began pushing and grabbing her in the chest and neck area. The alleged victim’s two teenagers told the police the same story. What the police did not take into account is that our client called the police twice that night because the alleged victim and her daughters stole his property and attempted to leave with it. He denied grabbing his girlfriend, but did admit to pushing her off of him in self defense. The alleged victim had a long scratch mark on her neck. Out Jacksonville Domestic Battery Attorney presented additional evidence to the prosecutor in the case along with mitigating information. The violent charge was completely dropped.

State of Florida v. R.G.
Accusation of punching boyfriend in face and picking up a knife, charge DROPPED

Our client, R.G., was arrested for domestic battery in Duval County. Police first spoke to the alleged victim, R.G.’s live-in boyfriend. He told police as he was attempting to leave the residence after a verbal argument, our client began punching him in the face and on the shoulder. He claimed R.G. then went to the kitchen and picked up a knife. The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office then spoke to a witness, the alleged victim’s mother. She told police that our client was very upset with her boyfriend and began hitting her son. As they were tussling, the mother tried to break it up. The mother claimed that our client picked up a heavy object and threatened to hit her son with it. The mother also told police our client picked up a knife in the kitchen. Our client was interviewed by police and gave a very different account of what happened. She admitted to arguing with her boyfriend, but denied physically touching the alleged victim. Our Jacksonville Battery Attorney provided additional information to the prosecutor assigned to the case. The case was DISMISSED.

State of Florida v. A.E.
Accused of hitting husband with a hammer with a witness, case DISMISSED

Our client, A.E., was arrested in Jacksonville for the crime of domestic battery. Police were dispatched in reference to a domestic dispute. The alleged victim told police he and our client were arguing. The said that our client sat on him while attempting to get him to talk about their issues. He said he got up to leave and our client grabbed a hold of his shorts and would not let him put his shorts on. Our client then allegedly picked up a hammer and hit her husband with the hammer on his shoulder. Our client was also interviewed at the scene and told the police the same story. Police also interviewed their seven year-old daughter and she told police “mommy” was the most at fault. Our Duval County domestic battery attorney met with the prosecutor on the case and gave him information on our client’s background and their relationship. The Jacksonville domestic violence charge was DROPPED.

State of Florida v. N.B.
Bleeding scratch under left eye with swelling, charge DROPPED

Our client, N.B., was arrested for Domestic Battery in Duval County. Both our client, and her fiance, called police. Both were interviewed separately. Our client’s fiance, the alleged victim, told police that our client physically attached him by slapping him during an argument. The alleged victim had visible signs of injury to his person with a scratch underneath his left eye that was bleeding as the police officer spoke to him and swelling on his face. He told police these injuries were caused by N.B. Our client also spoke to the police at the scene and denied striking the alleged victim. According to police, she did admit to trying to get away from him by swatting her arm at him. She told police that any injury to her fiance was an accident. Our Jacksonville Domestic Battery Attorney presented additional information to the prosecutor assigned to the case and the case was DISMISSED.

State of Florida v. R.R.
Accusations of zip-tying his wife causing scratches and red marks, case DISMISSED

Our client, R.R., was arrested for Domestic Battery in Jacksonville. Police were dispatched to an abduction. When police arrived, the alleged victim, our client’s wife, was standing in the front yard crying and very intoxicated. She told police that our client tied her hands behind her back and she was able to call the police. Our client told police his wife was very drunk and was yelling at him uncontrollably. He admitted to tying her up, gently, with a zip tie. Police observed a scratch of the alleged victim’s forearm and red marks on her left arms caused by the zip tie. Our Jacksonville criminal attorney presented mitigating information to the prosecutor on the case and the charge was DROPPED.

State of Florida v. L.G.
Accused of spraying ex-boyfriend in face with bleach, busting car windshield and spraying bleach all over clothes and bed, charges DROPPED

Our client, L.G., was arrested for felony criminal mischief and domestic battery in Duval County. The alleged victim, our client’s ex-boyfriend, told police that he and our client went out together and got into a verbal argument. He claimed our client went back to his house and poured bleach all over his residence, including his couch, floor bedding and clothes. After calling the police, he claimed our client sprayed him in the face with bleach and proceeded to bang on his car causing the windshield to shatter. Police spoke to a next door neighbor and she confirmed that our client did bang on ex-boyfriend’s car. Police also observed the alleged victim’s household items bleached. Our Jacksonville domestic battery attorney met with the prosecutor assigned to the case and presented evidence that the alleged victim actually harmed our client that night. All charges were DISMISSED, including the damaging of his vehicle.

State of Florida v. C.L.
Cut and busted lip, accusations of grabbing around neck, case DISMISSED

Our client, C.L., was arrested in Duval County on a charge of domestic battery. Police were called out to a domestic incident and made contact with the alleged victim, who is our client’s former girlfriend. She told police she and our client were involved in a heated argument and that our client grabbed her by the neck/throat area. She claimed to yell “please don’t kill me” and “please don’t break my neck”. The alleged victim claimed she then fell and hit the floor. Police observed that her lip was cut and busted open. Our client admitted that the two had a verbal argument, but adamantly denied touching her in any way. There was a witness in the house at the time, but he did not see the actual incident. He did hear the two arguing and then heard a “thump”. Our Jacksonville domestic battery lawyer investigated the case further and gave more relevant information to the prosecutor assigned to the case. The charge was DROPPED.

State of Florida v. A.G.
Accused of grabbing girlfriend by neck, marks on body and a child witness, charge DROPPED

Our client, A.G., was arrested for Felony Domestic Battery by Strangulation, which is a third degree felony in Jacksonville. Police were called out to our client’s home after a call of a suicidal person. Police arrived and spoke to the alleged victim, who is our client’s live-in girlfriend and mother of his children. She told police she and A.G. were involved in a verbal dispute that turned physical. She said our client grabbed her by the arms and struck her in the left bicep, leaving a contusion. The alleged victim went on claiming that our client then grabbed her by the neck for several seconds causing a minor scratch. The couple’s nine year-old son was allegedly present at the time and told police he saw our client grab his mother by the neck. Our client denied the accusations. Our Jacksonville Domestic Battery attorney presented additional important information to the prosecutor assigned to the case. The charge was DISMISSED.

State of Florida v. D.J.
Accusations of pushing against door with an inch long mark on shoulder, charges DISMISSED

Our client was arrested for domestic battery in Duval County. Police were dispatched to a domestic violence call. They spoke to the alleged victim, our client’s wife. She told police that she had just had an epidural and came home. She said that the alleged victim and D.J. verbally argued and our client pushed her against the bathroom door where she hit her back on the corner and fell. She also claimed that our client balled his fist at her and she thought he was going to strike her, but did not. Police observed an inch long mark on the upper right side of her shoulder area. Our client also talked to the police and agreed that they were arguing, but denied pushing his wife. Our Jacksonville Domestic Battery Attorney presented information to the prosecutor assigned to the case, including the fact that it was our client who called 911. The domestic violence charge was DROPPED against D.J.

State of Florida v. B.J.
Allegations of grabbing and pushing his wife and our client confessing, case DROPPED

Our client, B.J., was arrested in Jacksonville for domestic battery. Police were dispatched to a domestic incident and met with our client first. B.J. told police he argued with his wife verbally at first and then pushed her our of the garage door because he was mad at her. The victim, our client’s wife, told police our client chased her around the kitchen trying to grab a hold of her to throw her out of the house. She claimed our client grabbed her and pushed her. Our Jacksonville Domestic Battery Attorney presented mitigation evidence to the prosecutor assigned to the case. The case was DISMISSED.

State of Florida v. L.F.
Accused of “attacking and pushing” victim with a witness, charged DISMISSED

Our client, L.F. was arrested for Domestic Battery in Jacksonville. Police responded to a 911 call made reporting a domestic dispute. The alleged victim, our client’s sister, told police both she and her sister were drinking alcohol. They began to argue and the argument became physical, with our client “physically attacking” her numerous times, grabbing her and pushing her. Police also spoke to the “victim”‘s 16 year-old daughter, who is a listed witness. The daughter told police she witnessed our client attack and push her mother. Our client was determined to be the primary aggressor and was arrested. Our Duval County Domestic Battery Attorney presented information to the prosecutor assigned to the case. This charge was DROPPED.

State of Florida v. F.T.
Allegations of punching and kicking step-father with witness, charge DROPPED

Our client, F.T., was arrested as a juvenile for Domestic Battery in Clay County. A witness was driving and reported that she saw our client (17 years-old) punching and grabbing onto an older black male. The witness called 911 and said that F.T. appeared to the aggressor in the altercation. Police spoke to F.T.’s stet-father and they reported that he told them our client pushed his head, grabbed onto his neck and shoulder area, held his head in a headlock position, and punched him in his body. His step-father had a scratch on his left ear. After investigating the case further, our Clay County Domestic Battery Attorney presented information on F.T. to the prosecutor assigned to the case. It was also revealed that the statements attributed to the victim were not made as the police reported. This Juvenile Domestic Battery charge was DISMISSED.

State of Florida v. R.M.
Accused of kicking boyfriend in the back causing fall, NO ARREST

Our client, R.M., was contacted by the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office in reference to a domestic battery allegation. Our client had a live-in boyfriend that had been verbally and physically abusive to her for a period of time. When she had finally had enough, she decided to apply for an injunction against him. When our client told boyfriend about her decision, he went on the offensive and called the police. He made a report that our client kicked him in the back, caused him to fall down the stairs and causing a cut and bruise on his arm. Our St. Johns Domestic Battery Attorney went to work presenting information and witness testimony to the state attorney assigned to the case. Witness testimony the police did not have. R.M. was NEVER arrested on this charge and was free to go about her life.

State of Florida v. S.N.
Bruise over eye, gash on head, charge DISMISSED

Our client, S.N., was arrested for a Domestic Battery in Jacksonville on her husband. Police were dispatched to a domestic battery and made contact with our client’s husband. The police observed a small gash on the upper portion of his head which was no longer bleeding. Dried blood was on the rear of his head and on the top of his shirt and hands. Additionally, he had bruise on his left eye lid. He said he and his wife, our client, had an argument after a night of drinking. When they arrived home, he claimed that S.N. pursued him creating a physical altercation in front of the door to the bedroom. Police observed blood droplets on the floor. Our client told police she felt her husband was invading her personal space and admitted to pushing and striking him. Photographs were taken of the injuries and our client was arrested. Our Jacksonville Domestic Battery Lawyer presented mitigating evidence to the prosecutor on the case and the charge was DISMISSED.

Client Reviews

Daughter needed a lawyer for a recent domestic violence charge. I contacted the law firm and she got to work, my daughter did not have to show up to court and charges were dismissed. Life is good. Thank you Mussallem Law Firm.


I don’t know where to start!!! Everything about Tori was more than what I expected she kept my parents on board with everything made sure they were included in every single detail about my case. She also went to court for me without me having to be present , call me before an after all of my court...


Five stars are not enough for Tori! My partner and I reached out to 3 lawyers in the span of a week. One took 4 days to get back to us, the other we never heard from. Tori had called the day we filled out a form and had done her research before calling. She has been incredibly professional and...


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